Modern kings…

Just a quick thought… Our son Samuel wears glasses and it is imperative for him to always keep them on unless he is resting… I felt this so profound in my heart, echoing thru my heart to all the rest of my living, breathing humanity… If Samuel does not look at the world thru his glasses…

What to do when the real problems come…?

In the journey of life there are fights you prepare for, situations that you saw coming for instance, little things we can control… but for most of the fights we face in life we are not ready for and that is why we often regret our reactions later on… the good part about those unexpected fights is that…

I’ll take it from here….

I was on my way to Church today when I realized I had no idea where I was… I had a great time canoeing at a local lake with my family and the park we were at is humongous… I got out and tried to follow the part of the journey I remembered, however that…

Crackers and doors…

To enter my boys school I need to have my key-pass and scan it at the door, very cool, huh? We were a few minutes late for school this morning, so late that we flew out of the car, grabbed everything we thought we needed and headed to the door, I kept unsuccessfully scanning my key with such urgency…

Available Tools – achondroplasia

Connecting with other families and kids with achondroplasia has given us a wider picture of life, every person we have met deals with this condition in different ways, but they are all very positive and the goal remains the same, to help our kids environment be a successful one. I want to mention to you…