Available Tools – achondroplasia

Connecting with other families and kids with achondroplasia has given us a wider picture of life, every person we have met deals with this condition in different ways, but they are all very positive and the goal remains the same, to help our kids environment be a successful one. I want to mention to you that you do not need to believe like me, I believe in Jesus and I believe that with Him, impossible does not exist, no one is changing that and I am not interested in changing no one’s ideas on this condition. Certainly we can not control every place and situation our child gets into, however… there are ways to help them be more comfortable.

If you are planning to send your beautiful child to public school,You might want to visit the school your child’s new school several weeks before school starts to make sure they are prepared, to be informed about how they treat special cases like ours and you might want to do your research on creating a 504 plan (available only for public schools). It is recommended that you contact your local school district once your child has been diagnosed, they will give the necessary contact information for you.

When our precious son started public school last year, we were very happy to see how well ready for him his school was, they knew where to refer us, who to call, and everything available for the school to be a place our son felt great at and even better, they got the 504 forms for us and helped us decide which plan to get for our boy. I am not promising you every school is the same, however, some public schools I know are well equipped for special cases like ours.

If your precious child is going to private school, again,  talk to the school principal to find out how they treat special cases like ours. In our case, we have moved he kids from public school to Christian private school, the school principal heard our ideas on school accommodations and we took care of providing tools like a handle extender, from “products peachy” and a nice stool called “Little Looster’s Looster Booster” that have been a blessing to us and to our kids. Our son new school did not know much about this condition and we were able to give valuable information to them and we felt great to know we have ready the school for future kids with the same condition.

 </p In addition to these tools you can find much more info on http://www.lpaonline.org/
Let me tell you something from my inner most being. I am ever so thankful God gave me my son the way he is, I am very HONORED to be able to connect with these AMAZING HEROES who are relentless and never give up. Jesus has taught me a lot about life by watching my son thrive, every day my boy wakes up happy, he knows no fear or insecurities, he is a trophy of God's Faithfulness and I we are honored to have him with us in this journey of life.

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